#ST(polski) niemiecki #ST(angielski)

Online stores, e-commerce

We design and implement functional online stores based on our proprietary CMS system. We pay special attention to functionality, clarity, and innovative solutions.

Unique graphic designs prepared individually for each client will make your store stand out from the competition. We rely on the latest web standards and constantly work on improving functionality while creating new solutions.

Our implementations are based on our proprietary CMS system - DRIMO®, which we customize to meet specific client requirements. The CMS system has no limitations when it comes to expansion.

Efficient sales and store management are ensured by a range of additional modules, including:
  • Advanced search engines
  • Order management system
  • Invoice generation system
  • Shipping label generation system
  • Sales statistics/reports
  • Export system for comparison websites
  • Product filtering system
  • Shipping type and pricing configuration
  • Multilingual support
  • Temporary promotion creation
  • Product reviews and ratings
  • Polls, surveys, comments
  • And many other features tailored to your needs ;)
We invite you to collaborate with us!
+48 508 682 982

Write to us!

Gabex.eu MMpromocja.pl Hesperus.tirmet.pl kando plus Hotelchrobry.eu Pckomputer.com.pl Miedzyrzecka.pl Kotpol.pl Paese.pl Mazda.lublin.pl Abra-fed.pl Baza Hurtowni Notatkuje.pl Kema.biz Jobfashion.pl Prostudent.pl Studio Krajobrazu Sklep.elmad.eu UnikalneCiuchy.pl Kwasny.biz Zlobek.baksio.pl MKnamioty.pl Uslugi.golawscy.pl Mont-san.pl MMdiettyk.pl Centrum panelowe Urlopbezbarier.pl IntrexCarParts.ie OWSB.pl Baza Hurtowni Bialpak.pl Golawscy.pl Pharmrep-group.pl Rob-bud.eu Tirmet.pl Lakiernik Manie Okna-podlasie.pl SWIATLONET Wiedza szansą na lepszą przyszłość
Systemy LIVERNO Systemy Drimo CMS